Excel: BahtEng Add-In

Step to add BahtEng add-ins on Excel used to read monetary numbers in English.
Especially for accounting usually used to convert numbers to BahtEng when printing the cash check.

  1. Download "BahtEng" add-in.
  1. Right-click on the add-in file and go to properties.
  1. Check "Unblock" then "Apply" and "OK" to unblock this file as this file download from another computer
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  1. Go to "File" > "Option".
  1. On the Excel Options pages go to "Add-ins"
  1. Click "Go..." button.
  1. Browse the add-ins file from download.
  1. Select add-ins file.
  1. Add-ins will show in the "Add-ins available list", Check to enable it and click "OK".
  1. Test using the add-ins.
