Forwarding E-mail in Google Admin Console by Routing

Forwarding E-mail in Google Admin Console by Routing
Photo by Farhat Altaf / Unsplash

Email forwarding using recipient address map under Google admin console by Routing.

  1. Login to Google Admin Console
  2. Go to Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail
  3. Scroll down to the "Routing" section.
  1. Looking for "Email forwarding using recipient address map"
  2. To set forwarding click "ADD ANOTHER RULE"
  1. Add the original email address on "Address" and the recipient or destination address on "Map to address" (Need to short description on top "Email forwarding using recipient address map".
  2. Click "SAVE" to complete.
    Note: on 3. Routing options > Check this when you need to keep the email for the original mail box.
  1. Check the rule appears.
  1. Test forwarding is working by sending an email to the address.