How to back up O365 e-mail to .pst file by Content Search

To back up O365 E-Mail to .pst file by Content search in Admin Console.

  1. Log in to O365 with admin privilege user (
  1. Go to "Compliance".
  1. Go to "Content search".
  1. Add "New search" to find the mailbox.
  1. In "New search", Enter a name for the search job (This sample used email or name of mailbox)
  1. Enable "Exchange mailboxes" and select "users" of Exchange mailboxes.
  1. Selected the Exchange mailboxes to backup.
  1. Included will show a number of selected users of the Exchange mailbox.
  1. Search conditions leave as default and click "Next".
  1. Review your search and create it.
  1. Now "New search" starting, Wait until the status is complete.
  1. When content search status is completed. Click on the Contenet search name. Click on "Action" button > "Export result".
  1. Select the option to export.
  1. Click "Export" to create job.
  1. When the export job is complete, click "Download results" and Copy "Export key", Then past the export key, you can select the location to store the download file.
  1. Also, can name the download file.
  1. Downloading.
  1. Wait for the download complete.
  1. After download .pst file complete. You can open .pst file on outlook.