How to Create A Custom Windows 10 or 11 ISO by NTLite Part 2 of 2.
- Install NTLite "NTLite_setup_x64" double click And choose "I accept the agreement" and "Next".

- Default create a desktop shortcut click "Next"

- Complete install NTLite click "Finish"

- And then from this point you open up to this screen this is the license screen now there's a couple different ways you can do this you either buy a licensed copy or you can just use the free copy right here, now I'm going to use the free copy for this article but this is a really killer program you might want to consider helping to support the development of this program by paying for the license however I have'nt seen many restrictions on just using the free version so if you don't have alot of cash and you still want to follow this guide we're going to be doing it with the free version. Select free and hit OK.

- Add ISO file looking for "Add" and click their and click "Image(ISO,WIM,ESD,SWM)" when have pup up choose ISO file from Downloads on you computer and click open.

- You can see ISO and right click on ISO and click "New edit".

- Current file directory default click "OK"

- Wait a minute for creates a witeable copy image to directory folder.

- When finish creates cache file you can see cache file and choose other cache file if you want and right click cache file of you choose and click Load.

- Wait a minute when completed click "OK" and wait again.

- Now you see green indicating readiness.

- If you click on "Add" what you can do is you can go to latest updates online or latest online updates and this will find all the updates that currently are not part of this ISO.

- Select update at you want and hit "Enqueue".

- There is another important part, which is "Components", You can customize the application as you wish by clicking on "Apps"
*Suggestion you should n remove "System Apps" or "System" you may lose system integrity.

- On "Settings" you can see a bunch of settings here that you can change, Which will be the default in Windows customise.

- You can create a local account by "Unattended" and enable mode click "Add local account".

- You can add applications to your Windows defaults. All you need to do first is download the app you want, in this example I'll choose "Chrome" website download

- Go to Download on your computer looking for "GoogleChromeEnterpriseBundle64" you need to extrac file by 7-zip or winrar.

- Go back to NTLite in Post-Setup click "Add" , click "File", and click "Before logon (Machine)" choose your file GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64

- Click "Apply", on Options click "Create ISO" create name of file and choose destination and "Save".

- Click "OK" again and now the left hand side click"Process" for final step.

- Click "Process" again and click"Yes" for continue.

- Wait for everything to complete and then close the program.

- Finished, Since I have done it before, I will show you and in the next article I will guide you how to use .ISO file in further.

How to use ISO file by Boot USB.>>>